Can you travel with your non EU family members while you are…

Can you travel with your non EU family members while you are a EU citizen?

If you are a EU national citizen and you are planning to travel with your non-EU family members it is recommended you travel with core family rather than extended family members.

Is food a good reason to travel to Europe and why?

Everyone loves food and Europe has a huge variety of different food for you to taste. It is the birthplace of many various meals like pizza, French cheese, Belgian beer, German bratwurst.

Make sure to read the rules for traveling to EU before you pack.

If you are packing alcohol, tobacco, or cash when you are traveling to one of the European Union countries there could be restrictions on the amount of these products.

What do you need to plan before you travel to EU?

Make sure to plan all your procedure with visa application, border crossing, and landing on the EU country when you want to go on a trip. It will take time to gather all the documents and get ready but it will be worth it.

Are sports a big part of European culture?

Europeans are fanatics of sports; football in particular is the most important sport that represents the continent. Even if you are not a fan of sports, the feelings you get in European stadiums are indescribable.

Which country in Europe is the least and most visited by international tourists?

Inside the European Union there are countries that receive more visitors than others. France was the most visited country with around 80 million travelers, whereas San Marino received the least amount, only 60,000 visitors.

What are the biggest tourist attractions in the world?

European countries and their hospitality are huge tourist attractions. Out of the top ten most visited destinations in the world, five are located in Europe, according to the European Union Tourism Trends Report.

Why would you be stopped at the border if you want to visit your relative?

This can happen because you have the wrong visa. Make sure to state the real connection between you and the EU citizen that you have claimed to be your family member.