Does rejection happen often to international tourists who apply for a German…

Does rejection happen often to international tourists who apply for a German Visa?

Your German visa getting denied may crush many dreams and plans you have made. But this happens to anyone, and usually the reasons are clear, so you just have to follow those steps and maybe reapply.

What are the types of Student Visa you can apply for?

The second most wanted visa for Germany is the Student Visa with its types of a Language Course Visa (lasts up to a year), Student Applicant Visa (Visum Zur Studienbewerbung)  and the Student Visa (Visum Zu Studienzwecken)

What is an appeal letter and how do you write one correctly?

An appeal letter is one you send to the German embassy when your visa gets denied and you still think all your documents are the right ones and are correct. You should maybe counsel with someone beforehand to write the letter correctly.

What do you need to check before you apply for a German Visa?

Before traveling to Germany and planning your trip, the first thing you need to do is check whether you need a visa for Germany or not. Rules and policies of the Schengen states may change and it all depends on your nationality, if you need a visa to go to Germany or not.

What type of Visa do you need if you plan on studying in Germany?

Sometimes, your home country cannot fulfill your wish of having a high-quality education and you dream of having something bigger. You can find that in the most well-known schools in Germany with a studying visa.

What are the reasons behind traveling to Germany?

Everyone likes traveling and we all have different reasons why we travel. Someone wants to visit relatives, someone to move to a whole other country permanently, other people to see the culture of the country. Whatever the reason, there are many different visas for Germany that are specifically designed to reach to everyone’s needs.

Which type of Visa is requested by international tourists the most?

German visas are some of the most requested in the world. Many people worldwide apply for this visa every year. In recent years there were around 2 and a half million requests for the German visa.

Which documents are mostly needed by the German embassy for your Visa application?

Depending on where you come from, the German embassy could require additional documents. However, the following are the basic ones: passport, picture, plane ticket if you’re going to fly there, Visa application form, health insurance, financial funds report etc.