Which countries in EU aren’t part of the Schengen Visa Agreement? Out…

Which countries in EU aren’t part of the Schengen Visa Agreement?

Out of all the countries in Europe, Ireland is an EU country that is not part of the Schengen zone. Some other new EU states like Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania are not yet part of the Schengen Area but will be members in the future.

What to do in case you have to visit another state first from what you’ve applied to in the beginning?

If you have been given a Schengen visa for going to a (for example) conference to another state but meanwhile the conference gets cancelled, you have to inform the embassy about the change and apply for a new visa if needed.

What do you need for the interview in the embassy for your Schengen Visa?

Personal appearance is required at the embassy you will apply at and is usually made by appointment only. You will have to book an appointment early as the visa application may take months to process and make a decision.

How big is the Schengen Zone and how many people live there?

The Schengen countries have a population of more than 400 million people spread out in more than 4 million square kilometers that include states like Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden etc. France is the most visited Schengen country.