Why is Germany chosen by so many people who want to work…

Why is Germany chosen by so many people who want to work or study in a better place?

Most people that come from non-developed countries choose to fly out and seek for jobs in other countries. Germany has been one of many people’s first choice when it came time to move out and look for a better future.

Why do so many people apply for a German Visa every year?

The good living conditions and high salaries charm of Germany make millions of people to request visas every year. While the rejection rates keep going up, around 2 and a half million people applied in recent years.

What are the types of Student Visa you can apply for?

The second most wanted visa for Germany is the Student Visa with its types of a Language Course Visa (lasts up to a year), Student Applicant Visa (Visum Zur Studienbewerbung)  and the Student Visa (Visum Zu Studienzwecken)

How important is Health Insurance when applying for a German Visa?

You have to take your health insurance with your other documents when you apply for a visa. Besides that, one other important document is proof of financial support. If you don’t have these you won’t be able to apply for the visa.

What will increase the chances of getting your Visa issued by the German embassy?

When you’re looking to get a Visa so you can travel to Germany, make sure to do your research and choose the type of Visa that fits best with your purpose of visit. This will increase the chances of acceptance.

Is Germany a good option in case you or your relatives need medical treatment?

You’ve probably heard about the great quality of medicine here in Germany. The hospitals this developed country are far more advanced than those of most countries of the world. If you’re in need of treatment, apply for a visa and come get it in Germany.

How does writing an appeal letter benefit you and when should you write it?

If you have been denied entry to Germany then you can write and appeal letter to the embassy. In this letter you have to include strong reasons why you think that you deserve the visa.

Does rejection happen often to international tourists who apply for a German Visa?

Your German visa getting denied may crush many dreams and plans you have made. But this happens to anyone, and usually the reasons are clear, so you just have to follow those steps and maybe reapply.